Laravel - Creating WebAPI to connect with Angular, VUE, React, Next.js

Laravel - Creating WebAPI to connect with Angular, VUE, React, Next.js

Laravel makes creating WebAPI to connect with Angular, VUE, React, Next.js real easy.

Code focuses Laravel8 onwards and targets receiving JSON data thru WebAPI without going into security complications.

Pre-readiness: Database/table with the name 'posts' is ready and filled with required data

Step1: Create controller names Blog -> php artisan make:controller Blog
Step2: Open the controller and place the following code:
use DB;
class Blog extends Controller
function postapi(){
$rs = DB::table('posts')->get();
return response()->json($rs);
Step3: Open routes/web.php and place the following code:
Route::controller(Blog::class)->group(function () {
Route::get('/postapi', 'postapi');
Step4: localhost/projectname/postapi